Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.

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               (1st Moon Battle)

                         WITH ALL DUE RESPECT SIR WE NEED TO


               TO DIE!!!

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Negative we are not reinforcing the
                         front at this time.

                         WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE.

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         You're a pawn now follow god damn
                         orders, and sit tight and wait till
                         my command to retreat with all
                         medium and above BiMAVs.

                         I can see a fucking horde on the
                         horizon, WE HAVE TO EVAC TO FORWARD


                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Evac all humans from the front
                         line. Have remaining drones fall
                         back to cover the retreat.

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Sub 4 send 6 fresh legions to
                         harass pursuing Eastern BiMAV front
                         to draw their fire away from our
                         artillery equipment, force them to
                         follow you, but leave enough units
                         to keep them from taking our
                         precious forward artillery system.

               HALF OF 1ST MOON BATTLE

               BiMAVs on the field of battle are running backwards as they
               shoot. The entire Eastern horde follows them abandoning the
               drones that are still fighting.

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 4
                         What if they just converge on the 6

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Then we pound the fuck out of them
                         with artillery.

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 4
                         Forming up Legions into a
                         formidable front recommend
                         initiation of artillery barrage.

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Artillery its time to show these
                         bastards what they've just walked
                         into, fire forward Artillery.

               For the next sequence the Eastern forces get torn up by

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 4
                         Commander our legions aren't going
                         to hold out much longer against the
                         Eastern horde.

                         Should I support the 6 legions or
                         fall back to artilllery defense

               legions is the forward fighters that Apollo just evacuated

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Send to the 6 legions all
                         nonpersonnel carrying BiMAVs. The
                         rest of you reconnoiter with the

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 4
                         Roger that. All humans away.

               (2nd Half of 1st Moon Battle)

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         I am giving to both Apollo, Aries,
                         quarter 3, and quarter 4, 20
                         legions of BiMAVs each.

               The reinforcements are coming up from the bottom of the
               semicircle of artillery positions where the road is about to
               get to.

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Artillery target all cannons on
                         carpeting the enemy clusters on the
                         battlefield. Try to target away
                         from our remaining strong regions.
                         Sub 5-20 oversee.

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 4
                         Their forward forces are spreading
                         out and beginning to pursue our
                         evacing personnel.

         6     LEGION LEADER                                            6

               Form a loose BiMAV screen with all drones.

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 4
                         They are forming up in a V to break

                                   SKY COMMANDER

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 4
                         They are loosening formation,

         6     LEGION LEADER                                            6


                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 4
                         Wait now they're forming up to
                         break through. They are splitting
                         up and around. THEY ARE FLANKING

         6     LEGION LEADER                                            6


               The 80 legions of BiMAVs reinforcements charge forward firing
               at enemy BiMAVs. A few BiMAVs run through while the spearhead
               of the enemy horde is converged upon and is fully surrounded
               by the reinforcements and the drone screen.

               (2nd Half of 1st Moon Battle)

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Quarter 3 send out 8 legions of
                         drones to put up a final front
                         against the other BiMAVs which are
                         chasing our retreating personnel.

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         By the time the legions meet them
                         they will be in range. Let's let
                         these guys to flow their horde
                         right into the gullet of the rear
                         artillery range.

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 1
                         They are getting artillery in range
                         of the core battle.

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         We can't have their artillery so
                         close, Apollo send 10 legions to
                         destroy it. What about further out?

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 9
                         They are setting up the next front
                         line supporting even more
                         artillery, should be fully
                         operational in 10 minutes.

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 1
                         The 8 forward reinforcement legions
                         are about to perish and the other
                         drones in the region are almost
                         completely dead.

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Let them fight to the end continue
                         bombarding that battlefield.

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 1
                         The enemy horde just out of their
                         artillery range is spread out and
                         assembling into a loosely formed
                         line in preparation to charge our
                         legions. They are being hit hard by
                         artillery though.

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 4
                         The forces that charged deep into
                         our territory are being mopped up.

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Good have the ultras eat them up.

               (2nd Half of 1st Moon Battle)

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         have reinforcements be directed
                         immediately into battle.

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 1
                         They have begun their charge.

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Apollo, Aries, quarter 3, and
                         quarter 4 ready to counter charge
                         all oncoming divisions.

               The Easter forces begin to form into a line just out of range
               of the Western Artillery positions.

               The 80 legions are just a ways up from the reserve artillery.

                                                         CUT FORWARD IN
                                                               TIME TO:

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         They are charging right into the
                         trap fire reserve artillery!

               A group of artillery at the bottom of the semicircle
               decimates the oncoming Eastern horde on top of the decimation
               of the semicircle. The Eastern BiMAVs continue charging. The
               Western swarm immediately breaks through loosely formed
               lines, and pushes many of the surviving inward(close to the
               bottom of the semicircle of artillery) Eastern forces into an
               all out retreat, while other pockets stay to fight and become
               encircled and pummeled by Western heavies and artillery.

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         All forces cease guarding artillery
                         nodes, attack retreating forces,
                         and don't stop charging till you
                         reach the edge of their old
                         artillery power.

                         They've got a few forward tanks
                         raining fire close in.

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Shit, who's in charge of watching
                         over their new line.

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 9
                         I am.

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 8
                         We are sir.

               (2nd Half of 1st Moon Battle)

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 9
                         They have begun sporadic artillery
                         fire from some of the tanks and are
                         setting up permanent defenses and
                         cannons that should be operational
                         in a few minutes.

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Have the 8 forward reinforcement
                         legions brave the fire while they
                         close in on the tanks while some of
                         the heavies and supers catch up on
                         their position.

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Form up on the line.

                         We're almost there, people at the
                         back of the pack double time it and
                         form up on our rear end.

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         All units spread out to 100M
                         spacing. Apollo hold behind the

               Apollo neatly lines his units exactly behind the lighter
               BiMAVs waiting at the front out of range of the 3 nested
               artillery lines.

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 1
                             (looks at screen and
                              begins to turn around to
                         SIR!!! Heavy Bombardment from
                         forward artillery positions
                         recommend retreat 2 clicks back
                         range and set up Artillery there.

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Negative we are not falling back.

                         Then what are we going to do. WE'RE


                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         We are going to charge their lines
                         and break every artillery position
                         from here to Mos Eisly.

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 1
                         THERE ARE 3 LINES OF NESTED


               (2nd Half of 1st Moon Battle)

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Exactly their artillery is spread
                         over 3 lines. It is spread thin.

                         Then there is no time to waste we
                         must all charge spread out and
                         converge on their lines as we meet

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Yes we must!! .. .. ALL UNITS
                             (Fist clenched facing


               The entire Horde of robots begins to Stampede towards the on
               firing artillery.



               The Eastern 0th line of partially set up artillery begin
               clashing forming up into tight groups confronting an enemy
               position which begins to converge on them.

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Space Admiral can you provide us
                         with sporadic bombardment on
                         clusters of enemy BiMAVs?

                                   SUPREME WESTERN SPACE ADMIRAL
                         Positive I'll just throw you
                         priorities but don't take more than
                         of our power.

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         No more than 15% just a lil shake
                         and bake here and there.

               Sky commander touches Eastern groups which get decimated and
               surrounding troops begin to split up into small schools and
               scatter in retreat.

               All the groups have been decimated.

                                   SUPREME WESTERN SPACE ADMIRAL
                         Careful your coming up over 40%.

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Yeah but I'll be good for a lil
                         while, while we chase these bots
                         down to their doom or more enemy
                         clustered reinforcements.

               (2nd Half of 1st Moon Battle)

                                   SUPREME WESTERN SPACE ADMIRAL
                         Tell me if you need a little laser
                         support I've got a tiny bit of
                         energy in reserves to spare.

                         Now'd be good!!

               A huge red laser hits Apollo's receiving site and he received
               all the energy and now transmits it to all soldiers who use
               it to slice through enemy BiMAVs with red lasers shown
               because of the interface.

               The Western forces are now penetrating beyond the First line
               and are dumping plasma on the next line of artillery from a

                                                                CUT TO:

                         TONS OF IT THE EASTERN FLEET IS

               BOMBING THE FUCK OUT OF US!!!!

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Aries lead your remaining
                         concentrations of men to take out
                         the rest of the 2nd line of
                         artillery positions.

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Apollo continue the chase for as
                         long as you see fit.

                         Shit they are forming up a fourth
                         artillery position.

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Take it out, Other Quareter leaders
                         quickly break their lines and take
                         out the 3rd and final nested line
                         of artillery.

                                   LUNAR FACTORY COMMANDER
                         I suppose this is where I come in.

                                   SKY COMMANDER

                                   LUNAR FACTORY COMMANDER
                         The train is at the front of the
                         battle field already and there are
                         fresh legions marching full steam
                         to the front as we speak.

               (2nd Half of 1st Moon Battle)

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Right take them directly to the
                         fighting, and take the train
                         straight into enemy lines till your
                         being shot at.

                                   LUNAR FACTORY COMMANDER
                         Right got to get the men to the
                         top, I'll make sure of it.

                                   SKY COMMANDER

               Show rapid sequence of 2nd and 3rd line being taken down.

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 1
                         and 3rd line cleaned up sir.

                         We've destroyed most of the 4th
                         wave of Artillery but their
                         reinforcements are charging from
                         all directions.

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         PULL BACK Apollo, other quadrant
                         leaders BACK HIM UP!!!

               Show rapid sequence of retreat until-

               The Entire Western front line comes together as-

                         All UNITS TURN AND CHARGE!

               The entire line strikes the inferior Eastern numbers,
               surrounding them and firing upon them.

               The same artillery from space is coming down from both
               directions with some auxiliary artillery from Eastern ground
               positions nearby.

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 1
                         Shit more ground to ground

               (2nd Half of 1st Moon Battle)

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Keep at the ground battle, we have
                         legions coming in they'll take the
                         battle as you begin to set
                         yourselves up as artillery
                         positions and set up replication
                         facilities to build castle
                         fortifications to prevent against
                         enemy charges then all of you will
                         converge to become about 200
                         artillery cannons to set up a
                         defended artillery node at your
                         exact location.

               Apollo kills one of the last of them.

                         Specilist BiMAV engineers how the
                         fuck are we supposed to become

                                   SPECILIST 1
                         Stand on each other's shoulders
                         facing the same direction.

               BiMAVs jump on top of each other and lock shoulders to heel
               of feet. Then when about 8 are arrayed the line falls over
               towards enemy lines and 2 BiMAVs catch the array. A support
               BiMAV sets a nanofactory up in the ground in between the
               first BiMAV's feet and bends 2 laterally flexible clips to
               each feet which begin to feed in artillery shells produced
               from the soil by the nanofactory.

               The shells are shot through rail guns which run up erect legs
               and through shoulders to fire out the top BiMAV's arms. These
               apparatus points about 22 degrees above horizon. When it
               fires have camera follow shell until it tumbles into an enemy
               artillery cannon.

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Damn these things are versatile.

                                   SPECILIST 1
                         They sure are, we kept the designs
                         completely secret so we could
                         manufacture elite units in time of

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         I am glad I am on the right side.

                                   SPECILIST 1
                         I think there is more to us
                         fighting for the cause than just
                         our better tech.

               (2nd Half of 1st Moon Battle)

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         I know soldier we are fighting to
                         protect the sanctity of our minds
                         from a faction of unspeakable evil.

                         I know, we all watch the news.

               Pause for 3 seconds.

                                   APOLLO (CONT'D)
                         You know commanding is way more

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Don't worry Apollo your tasting of
                         the thrill of war more than I am, I
                         envy your youthful soul.

                         I'm sure your not envying me now
                         though, I'm a frickin artillery

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         That you are boys and girls and you
                         will be that way until we finish
                         breaking this feeble enemy charge.

               The last of the enemy BiMAVs have humans in them which bow
               down in surrender.

               They are amputated and thrown together in a pile.

                                   LUNAR FACTORY COMMANDER
                         Look sir you've seemed to stabilize
                         your lines, request permission to
                         devote at least %25 of production
                         to expansion of production.

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Look we're doing fine up here, shit
                         devote 60% of our factory to making
                         new factories, and don't forget to
                         expand downwards too.

                                                                CUT TO:

                                   SUPREME WESTERN SPACE ADMIRAL
                         Devote from 20% to 50% of
                         production to expanding
                         manufacturing capabilities, we have
                         to expand over the entire Moon.

               (2nd Half of 1st Moon Battle)

                                   LUNAR FACTORY COMMANDER
                         That's a good idea we need to
                         maintain our production dominance.

                                   SUPREME WESTERN SPACE ADMIRAL

                                   SKY COMMANDER
                         Then spend 40% on expanding
                         manufacturing capabilities.

                                                              FADE OUT.


                                   ULTRABIMAV PIOLT
                         Ultra BiMAV forming will be ready
                         to scoop and consume that pile.

                                                                CUT TO:
               BIMAVS ARE JUMPING.

               Show a 1,000 Meter BiMAV slowly begin to get up.

                                                                CUT TO:

               A side view of it walking not jumping very fast towards the

               The Ultra BiMAV transforms its arms into spoons and begins
               shoving the dead enemy BiMAVs to the top surface of its
               shoulders where laser heated grinders consume the matter.
               While this happens move camera close to the pile as camera is
               swung upwards yet still facing the pile until you see the
               first spoonings get dumped into the grinder.

               As the Pile is consumed the BiMAv grows to 1,400 Meters.

                                                                CUT TO:

               The command screen with camera pointed downwards directly on
               the command screen showing the 2 Ultra BiMAVs and the Super
               BiMAV forces moving forward in unison.

                                   WESTERN SKY COMMANDER
                         Front Line 2 500 Meter Ultra BiMAVs
                         spotted Retreat immediately to our
                         Ultra Which will take them out!

                                                                CUT TO:

               Scrolling Side View of Retreating Front Line.

                         Pack in STEX and BiMAVs in Supers
                         and leave the Drones behind.

               Front line packs in and retreats. The enemy Super BiMAVs chop
               up and consume the few stragglers.

               Pan Camera to show Western Ultra. Swing Camera around to show
               Back of Ultra fly carmera into Ultra. Show Back View of Pilot
               as he uses bladed arms to blow the arms off one of the
               approaching BiMAVs.

                                                                CUT TO:

               Sideways dual blade swing cuts that ultra into 3. The Ultra
               directly behind it is now lunging and swinging. Western Ultra
               BiMAV cuts its arms of swining dually and downards. Western
               Ultra BiMAV cuts knees then just below the groin then at the
               stomach then at the head.

               The Ultra consumes the sections of both enemy Ultra BiMAVs
               and the West has mostly won against the enemy Super BiMAVs.

               Heavy BiMAVs jump into the now standing Western Ultra BiMAV
               and come out super. The Ultra grows to 1,500 Meters.

                                   WESTERN SKY COMMANDER
                         Its clear walking, the Eastern
                         Fleet is retreating back to their
                         production block, the next battle
                         will probibly be just in front of
                         that point cause you're marching

               The Ultra is Finished at 1,600 Meters it begins walking with
               the spread out front line getting closer to that point.

                                   LUNAR FACTORY COMMANDER
                         Sky Commander if you drop in train
                         rails from space we can get there
                         almost instantaneously.

                                   WESTERN SKY COMMANDER
                         Computer? How much Mass?

                         1.3% of the Fleet.

                                   WESTERN SKY COMMANDER
                         Do it.

               The Rails come down from space where a part in the BiMAVs are
               and now the entier army combined with a 1/3 total army boost
               of reinforcements is flying towards Eastern lines.

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 1
                         Sir We Don't KNOW IN THAT HORNETS
                         NEST we should plant and expand
                         well outside of their potential
                         artillery line where thier
                         production block starts.

                                   WESTERN SKY COMMANDER
                         I have faith that this will succeed
                         in capturing part of their
                         production grid.

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 2
                         I agree with the Commander.

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 3
                         I don't we may be hitting them by
                         suprise perhapse we should try
                         another location, I mean they could
                         be anticipating us.

                                   WESTERN SKY COMMANDER
                         Can we lay more Rails at a 45
                         degree angle.

                         0.6 percent.

                                   WESTERN SKY COMMANDER
                         Do IT!!

               The Rails are laid at about 50 degrees and the army moves
               along that Rail.

                                   SUB SKY COMMANDER 3
                         I still think it could be a trap we
                         should fall back and hold ground.

                                   WESTERN SKY COMMANDER
                         Negative they should be scrambling
                         to get their defences figured out.

                                   SUPREME WESTERN SPACE ADMIRAL
                         Sir they could have massive amounts
                         of underground logistics taking
                         Artillery to your position.

                                   WESTERN SKY COMMANDER
                         That is a risk I am willing to take
                         for the sake of an opportunity to
                         break their production block.

                                   SUPREME WESTERN SPACE ADMIRAL
                         Its your call, you'll have pleanty
                         of space artillery support just
                         hope it is not pure artillery.

                                                                CUT TO:

               Apollo in the Ultra BiMAV.

                         End of Rail approaching all's

               The entire Army Flies into a loose formation and is charging
               the 100 Meter wall which only Super BiMAVs can get over.

                                                                CUT TO:

               Down and Back shot of the command screen and the sky

               Horizontal Bays open up and Artillery launches from

                                   WESTERN SKY COMMANDER

                                                                CUT TO:
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Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.